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The Mythology of the Night Sky: Greek, Roman, and Other Celestial Lore

The Mythology of the Night Sky: Greek, Roman, and Other Celestial Lore
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1 An Introduction to Greco-Roman Mythology                                                             

The Night Sky and Ancient Cultures                                                                                 

Greek or Roman?                                                                                                                

The Creation of the World                                                                                                  

Astronomical Family Trees                                                                                                 

2 The Winter Constellations                                                                                             

Orion - The Hunter                                                                                                             

Canis Major - The Great Dog                                                                                             

Canis Minor - The Little Dog                                                                                             

Lepus - The Hare                                                                                                                

Scorpius - The Scorpion                                                                                                     

Taurus - The Bull                                                                                                                

The Hyades - The Daughters of Atlas                                                                               

The Pleiades (M45) - The Seven Sisters                                                                             

Auriga - The Charioteer                                                                                                     

Eridanus - The River                                                                                                          

Aries - The Ram                                                                                                                 

Gemini - The Twins                                                                                                            

The Ship Argo                                                                                                                     

Puppis - The Stern                                                                                                              

Pyxis - The Mariner's Compass                                                                                          

Vela - The Sails                                                                                                                  

Carina - The Keel                                                                                                               

3 The Legend of Jason and the Argonauts                                                                     

The Constellations                                                                                                              

The Legend                                                                                                                         

4 The Spring Constellations                                                                                             

Ursa Major and Ursa Minor - The Greater Bear and the Lesser Bear                                

Ursa Major - The Great Bear and the Big Dipper                                                              

Ursa Minor                                                                                                                          

Boötes - The Herdsman (or the Plowman)                                                                         

Virgo - The Virgin                                                                                                              

Corvus - The Crow                                                                                                             

Crater - The Cup                                                                                                                

Centaurus - The Centaur                                                                                                    

Lupus - The Wolf                                                                                                               

Leo - The Lion                                                                                                                   

Hydra - The Watersnake                                                                                                    

Cancer - The Crab                                                                                                              

5 The Summer Constellations                                                                                          

Ophiuchus - The Serpent-Bearer                                                                                        

Serpens (Cauda and Caput) - The Serpents                                                                       

Corona Borealis - The Northern Crown                                                                             

Corona Australis - The Southern Crown                                                                            

Draco - The Dragon                                                                                                           

Aquila - The Eagle                                                                                                             

Scorpius - The Scorpion                                                                                                     

Libra - The Scales                                                                                                               

Sagittarius - The Archer                                                                                                     

Lyra - The Lyre                                                                                                                  

Cygnus - The Swan                                                                                                            

Ara - The Altar                                                                                                                   

Hercules - The Hero                                                                                                           

Sagitta - The Arrow                                                                                                           

Equuleus - The Foal                                                                                                           

6 The Legend of Hercules                                                                                                

The Constellations                                                                                                              

The Legend                                                                                                                         

7 The Autumn Constellations                                                                                          

Delphinus - The Dolphin                                                                                                    

Aquarius - The Water-Bearer                                                                                             

Capricornus - The Sea-Goat                                                                                               

Pisces - The Fishes                                                                                                             

Pisces Austrinus - The Southern Fish                                                                                 

Pegasus - The Flying Horse                                                                                                

Andromeda - The Princess                                                                                                 

Cetus - The Sea-Monster (Whale)                                                                                      

Cassiopeia - The Queen                                                                                                      

Cepheus - The King                                                                                                           

Perseus - The Hero                                                                                                             

Triangulum - The Triangle                                                                                                  

8 The Legend of Perseus                                                                                                  

The Constellations                                                                                                              

The Legend                                                                                                                         

9 Introductions to Other Mythologies

Norse Mythology

Celtic Mythology

Inuit Mythology

Hawaiian Mythology

Rapa Nui Mythology

Tongva Mythology

10 Planets and Satellites                                                                                                    




Earth's Satellite - The Moon                                                                                              


Mars' Satellites                                                                                                                   


Jupiter's Satellites                                                                                                               


Saturn's Satellites                                                                                                               


Uranus' Satellites                                                                                                                


Neptune's Satellites                                                                                                            

11 Dwarf Planets and Asteroids

The Dwarf Planets









The Asteroids

Vesta (4 Vesta)

Pallas (2 Pallas)

Ceres (1 Ceres)

Iris (7 Iris)

Eros (433 Eros)

Hebe (6 Hebe)

Juno (3 Juno)

Melpomene (18 Melpomene)

Eunomia (15 Eunomia)

Flora (8 Flora)


12 Astrophotography Using a Compact Digital Camera or Smartphone Camera


Introduction to Digital Cameras

Astrophotography Using a Compact Digital Camera

Astrophotography Using a Smartphone Camera

Author's Final Word


Appendix A Names of the Greek and Roman Gods                                                          

Appendix B Ptolemy's Constellations                                                                                

Appendix C The Messier Objects                                                                                       

Appendix D NGC/IC Objects by Constellation                                                                 

Appendix E The Greek Alphabet





Breite: 156
Gewicht: 608 g
Höhe: 21
Länge: 236
Seiten: 334
Sprachen: Englisch
Autor: David E. Falkner


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